Saturday, January 22, 2011


The story of the Axolotl was super interesting, in the aspect of how the writer continuously changed positions throughout the text.  At first, he went to see the axolotl as the aquarium and then he began writing from the aspect of one of these creatures.  The text was mind bending and took a lot of concentration to keep up with what perspective he was writing from.  The story reminded me of times when I was younger and I wished I could view the world from the eyes of another animal.  I wondered how their lives differed from mine and what thoughts, if any, ran through their minds.  I did enjoy the text and how the author wrote.  It made a simply story about a fish into something that people could use as a comparison with their own lives and their views on the world. 

1 comment:

  1. I like your point about how it is attractive to want to see the world from the point of view of another animal. We do have a desire to know the world in the way that others know it.
